Thursday, November 1, 2007


This should be a lesson to me as one of the evils of having several projects going at the same time and forgetting to keep proper records. I started this sweater a while ago, and I now believe that the weight of the yarn is not appropriate for the design I had in mind. I was going to make a cardigan with garter borders and 3/4 sleeves, but the yarn is too fine a gauge. Besides, I forgot to make a note of what size needle I used to make the two borders I completed. I think I am going to rip the whole thing out, such as it is, and design another sweater better suited to the finer gauge. I have been meaning to try a hemmed garment (translate this into being too lazy to handknit yet another set of ribbings right now) so I may go in that direction. I do like this luscious pink though.

I am still working on the second front to the Ranch Red cardigan, but was sidetracked into ripping out the Jaywalker socks. M has been after me to finish up the Must Have Cardigan, and since it is orange, I am going to try to finish it up by Thanksgiving. She wants to try it on to see if that size will fit her.

We had a little excitement here on Tuesday night with a rather large earthquake in the South Bay. I was knitting while sitting on the bed, and the whole bed swayed like a boat on the water. We are quite far from the epicenter so the quake here was short and mild, but I followed the proper earthquake procedure, which is to yell to the spouse "Did you feel that?" then to get on the phone and call my father and daughter to ask "Did you feel that?", then to get on the computer to the USGS to see how big it was and where it was centered. Once again, I had heard the neighbor dogs having a conniption fit of frenzied barking early in the afternoon. It turns out that there was another very small quake on our local fault about that time. It is funny how the animals can sense or be confused by the change in magnetic whatzit or whatever it is the quakes emit. Right before the last really big one (Loma Prieta, Oct. 17 1989) a bird flew down the vent for the stove fan and died there.

Well, enough scary earthquake talk. Time to go finish that other front.

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