Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rainy Tuesday

I really should have done both fronts at the same time since it makes the whole process seem much shorter, but I was too lazy to get up and go get another ball of yarn at the time. My progress is slow but sort of steady.

Here is my birthday present from M. I could use a winter scarf, so that is what I will use the Patons SWS for. I love the look of this yarn. M says that it doesn't look too great in the ball but looks fabulous knitted up, and it should look good with my green winter coat. Not sure what I am going to do with the Lamb's Pride though, but the color is great. And Knitpicks needles size 1!

I went back to the library book sale on Sunday afternoon for the bag sale, and someone had put out a whole box of knitting and needlework magazines. Here is what I got. Most are from the sixties or seventies, and that blue booklet, second from the left on the top row, is an instruction book for a gadget I have never heard of. This gadget is shaped like a punch needle and is used to make a sort of faux knitting.

I have been getting questions about the patterns in my collection and whether they can be downloaded or not, but all of them are still under copyright protection so I can't put the patterns online. Another question I have been getting is where I find the vintage knitting booklets. I have never bought any online, but I see that there are some on ebay and etsy, and there are some websites that sell vintage patterns. Googling 'vintage knitting patterns' or 'retro knitting patterns' will find many possibilities. I go to thrift shops to look for old sewing and knitting patterns, and to antique shops. I also like antique fairs with booths from many many shops. I can usually find a booth or two selling the old pamphlets. I was lucky in that I started my collection many years ago when no one else was interested in the booklets so I was able to buy lots of them for practically nothing.

I have lots of design ideas in the works, but those sweater fronts are holding up my momentum, so I better get busy on them.

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