Friday, October 12, 2007

Not Retro Knit Friday!

Today, for a change of pace, I decided that instead of retro designs, I will show my recent purchases at the Japanese store, Kinokuniya. My birthday was Tuesday so I hopped in the car and drove down to San Jose to visit one of my favorite shops. My first selection was this fabulous book of stitch patterns. This is a beautiful, beautiful book. It was pricey at $28, but hey, it was my birthday. The layout is lovely, each page a poem of color. The stitches included are unusual, so I feel the book is totally worth the money.

I also picked out this book of knitting patterns from the Let's Knit Series. My favorite sweater is the brownish one with lace trim on sleeves and lower bodice. There were also some great crochet publications, but by then I was out of money.

I know that I said I hate bobbles, but this grey sweater looks more like a stitch pattern and less like bobbles. I am liking the flared sleeves that are everywhere in fashion this season. Not for me, exactly, but they will look cute on my daughters.

The sweater front continues growing:

Post Script:
The apple does not fall far from the tree. Here is M making a beeline to the knitting books at an early age.


Lorri said...

I love all the retro patterns wondering where I can get them so I can make everything. If have any petterns that I can download I would appreciate it, if not where can I buy the patterns books???

redpajamamama said...

I see that there are vintage knitting patterns on ebay, and there are businesses online that sell the old knitting books. You can Google 'vintage knitting patterns' or 'retro knitting patterns' and see what comes up.

Now, for non-online sources, I go to thrift stores and sometimes I can find them. I also go to antique shops, especially the cluttered sort of messy ones or the ones that rent out space to many vendors. My favorite place to find old needlework pamphlets are antique fairs where there are booths from several hundred shops.

It's a fun treasure hunt!