Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Grey Pullover

Since I am languishing with a cold, I am unable to take a picture using the daughter as a model, because I have decided not to spread the cold joy around the family any more than it already is. To that end I have pressed the Madam Merp into service. I need something to set the Madam on so the garments won't look all bunchy around the bottom. Poor Madam tends to list backwards, I am afraid. I am thinking that I could get a cheap bar stool (wooden) at Target or Walmart and set her on it. This would work as long as the top of the stool was the same size as the bottom of Madam, or smaller, so the garment could hang freely.

Anyhow, here is the sweater in a flat position with my latest read, a Georgette Heyer mystery. I don't think I have ever read one of her mysteries, so it should be interesting. This makes the 5th sweater I have knitted for M this year. I still have yarn for a red pullover, light turquoise, dark turquoise, pale turquoise ( M's favorite color at the moment is turquoise), plus a bright green for me and a creamy yellow, also for me. Which reminds me that I have been on Ravelry for a few months now, and I see that others are photographing their stashes for all to see. The thought of doing that, one yarn at a time, fills me with exhaustion before I even start, so I think I will pass that up.

I have ripped out the Jaywalker sock because I was knitting too tightly and the sock was way too small. I cast on for the larger size and waited a week or so, and now I am knitting looser so have just started in on the pattern part. I am using Trekking in a fall colorway.

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