Monday, March 30, 2009

Japanese Stitch Dictionaries

Here are the magazines that caused my saved-up Stitches money to fly out of my wallet:

I especially like the one on the right, titled 'Aran' something or other 100' (don't know those kanji). It has pages and pages of fabulous cable patterns and the stitch charts that go with them.

The booklet on the left below is the one I bought a year or so ago and the one on the right is new. These books are not cheap, they run about $25 to $30 apiece, but even a cheapskate like me has to admit that they are totally worth it.

My daughter, M, is thinking of using some of the patterns in the '300' book to design some socks. Because, when we were at Kinokuniya, I just had to point the booklets out to her and encourage her to buy them too, because I am a knitting enabler.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yeah... Kinokinuya put me over budget for Stitches this year but I TOTALLY DO NOT CARE! Those Japanese stitch dictionaries are worth every penny!