Wednesday, July 30, 2008


We went to a family wedding up in Redding this weekend. When we got into town, we were appalled by heavy smoke in the air from yet another forest fire nearby. All the papers and news stations were giving warnings about the extemely unhealthy air. These pictures show a downtown intersection at noon on what would have been a bright, sunny, clear day. In addition, it was very very hot, high nineties anyway. And horrors, the wedding was going to be held outside on the banks of the Sacramento River where we would all choke on the smoke and melt in the heat. In spite of my pessimism, luck was with us, and the smoke cleared out a lot by Saturday night, and the temperature went down to bearable levels.

The location for the wedding was exceedingly gorgeous, and the wedding was one of the nicer ones I have been to.

Now I am doing nothing much in the knitting department because the construction on the windows is due to start soon. The husband and I have been packing things up and hanging drop cloths because I do hate hate hate the way construction dust gets into everything leading to days of cleaning drudgery (which I will avoid if I can). I plan to finish up the shibui sock while the work is going on and to start some new Sockotta socks.

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