Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back In Town

Well, we were gone all last week to Las Vegas. The spouse had a conference to attend there, and I was just along for the ride (and the shopping). While he immersed himself in the excitement of taxes, I drove all over town looking for yarn shops, antique shops, and thrift shops. I found some nice knitting pamphlets and some great sock yarn which I will show later this week. The spouse only gambled once, and won big, $1.15 big win on the nickel slot machine. I never gamble because I am not lucky in gambling. After the conference was over, we drove to Reno for a few days, then home over the Sierras.

In closing, I have to say that the merchant mall at a conference for tax folk, in contrast to, say, the market at Stitches, is the most horrendously, hideously boring merchant mall in all the world.

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