Thursday, October 23, 2008

Design in Progress

The sleeve of the February Lady Sweater seems to grow ever so slowly. I was hoping that it would just speed along, but I guess I haven't been knitting on it very diligently. I have been thinking about the next knitting machine project using the completed blue ribbings. I need to decide on a panel to go up the fronts of the cardigan and I decided to pick something out of the beautiful Japanese book.

Here are some of my preliminary choices:
I love this leafy almost cable-like design.

This one is peculiar and a little spooky with the almost face peering out of the diamond.
This one is different and pretty.

I am going to try something I haven't done on a cardigan before, though I did use this technique on the grey pullover with the viking design cable up the front. I can knit the sweater pieces but leave the stitches for the panel on a holder, then go back and knit the panel up by hand. This is a fun technique because all the boring stockinette is done by the machine and all that is left is the fun and interesting part for hand knitting.
And, of course, it wouldn't hurt to knit up a few more hats for the mission.

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